I changed this post because reading it reminded me of all your dirty boys who deserve some nasty forced bi phone sex. Below is the original post without forced by phone sex talk, but you can enjoy it anyway.
There were so many people here yesterday. My room mate had people over and I wanted to be social... I am social. I love having people around. Except when I have a super naughty thought or thoughts and I desperately wanted to sneak off and come online to take calls and cum so hard. With all the people in the kitchen, and knowing how loud I can be. It would be very dangerous. I wouldn't care so much normally... but with the type of people that were here, it would have been too dangerous. Damn... and I LIVE for dangerous.
I am thinking, so I can have the phone fuck fests that I want, I should get one of those sound machines. You know the white noise ones that deadens the sound? Or drowns it out. Does anyone know if they work well? Let me know...
So yeah, if you're a nasty taboo boy who loves the idea of being turned gay or even made to suck cock for me with forced bi phone sex, then what are you waiting for? Dial me up!